Golf Eureka

Click Here for details of an Amazing Golf Swing little known fact.

Monday, August 14, 2006

golf eureka

Click Here to see how an amateur golfer stumbled onto an amazing golf swing little known fact

Is Golf Really a Head Game

Golf pros can give contradicting advice. It is common to read one golf player’s advice and then when you read another article or book, to have a different player say the complete opposite. For example, one pro says to keep your head straight, but another person comes along with an entirely different set of rules.

What should you do?

You should listen to me, of course. 

All people are different and no two of us play exactly alike. This is why it is a great idea to not concentrate on one particular method of playing golf.

Some basics can make or break your golf game. And I am telling you to keep your head still and not move it during your swing.

It is impossible to keep your head still if you tense up your muscles. Keeping your head still helps you to loosen up and allows you to finish your swing smoothly. By keeping your head still, you can also prevent the dreaded slice because you do not have to pull your hands in to keep balanced.

A golf championship winner said that every time he prepared to make a shot, he said to himself, “Keep your head still.” It is a necessity to a good golf swing that many players do not concentrate on.

If you can become successful at just this one skill, you will find your golf game improving. When you make a terrible shot, concentrate on keeping your head still during the next swing.

If you keep your head still, it will be possible to see the ball during the entire swing. If your head is moving, it will be impossible to keep your eye on the ball.

You can build your confidence by using this one technique. Keep your head still enough to keep a jar of water on the top of your head perfectly still and watch the ball as you swing. You will be able to see the ball better and hit it more solidly.

Even if you are nervous when you are playing, keep these two tips in mind and your game will definitely improve!



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